How Social Referencing Helps in Child Development?

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Parents try to ensure that their child goes to the best schools in Faridabad or any other city where they live. However, it is important that they should make the foundation of their child strong so that he/she can compete with other students and easily get admission to one of the best schools in NIT Faridabad. As a parent, it is your job to improve the intellect of your child. Nowadays there are many preschools where students who are likely to get nursery admission in Faridabad is trained for different social skill sets. As a parent, you can also do your bit with social referencing.

What is social referencing?

It can be defined as a tool that assists infants to get familiar with their new environment, new people and objects that make their new world. This happens when a child gets the ability to read the facial expressions of others to decide. As a parent, you must remember that babies very carefully look at the emotional responses of their parents to shape their own responses.
Social referencing will help the child to read the emotional meaning of an individual’s facial expression. This will help them a lot in their emotional development which will continue throughout their life.

Therefore, through your social as well as expressive skills you can help your child to learn a few things such as:
  • A rudimentary understanding of the surrounding.
  • They have to cooperate and play with their peers.
  • They should concentrate on what instructions their parents or teachers are giving.
  • They also learn how to control their emotions.
  • Infants can learn from the facial expressions of their caregiver or parents along with the  accompanying sounds about how they relate to different people and things.
  • Social referencing is also useful as it allows the babies to make decisions about what actions they must take. The social referencing becomes very crucial in improving decision-making skills which can further, develop later in their life.
As a parent, you can use social referencing to develop the emotional quotient, intelligence as well as the decision-making the capability of your child. You can use social referencing for your baby or toddler as a teaching tool. However, you should be careful about how you react to people or different situations in front of the baby and keep ambiguity out of your facial expression and keep your voice to a minimum. Here we will show you some steps of social referencing which you can use in front of your baby.

1). You should use expressive facial expressions when playing or interacting with your child. This will give them the time to see your emotive display, which will help them understand what different expressions could mean in different situations. Furthermore, the way you react to other people or objects would also impact how your own child reacts to those.

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2). Try to ensure that your voice always synchronizes well with your body language when you are interacting with your child. For example, if you are trying to do something, but are not interested in it, then it will show in your body language and vocal tones. These subtle cues the infant can easily pick up and may find it difficult to grasp it fully.

3). You can use social referencing to teach your child about how to make decisions about different food choices. Your expressions could be crucial for your child when he/she is trying out new food groups.

4). Social referencing has a huge impact on the emotional development of a child; therefore, you could use it as a powerful a tool to get maximum benefit for your child by keeping in mind and being always aware of your reaction in front of your child.


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