As a teacher, you must have met students
who have tested the limit of your patience. In most cases, teacher resorts to
the usual methods of dealing with such a situation; verbal warning, detention
or calling up the parents. Even after using all these avenues you may face an
odd one out who is hell-bent on disturbing the class. In such a case the
extreme step of removing the student from the class is taken. In most schools
of Faridabad (also in the majority of the schools in the country), corporal
punishment is not used as it can have a negative impact on the mind of the
student. Therefore, you will find that in some of the best schools in
Faridabad, teachers are trained to see the big picture to deal with this
Teaching a child about discipline is a team
effort, wherein the student themselves, the teacher, the parents, and the
school administrators have a meaningful role in maintaining the classroom
discipline so that the teachers can communicate better. Among the four players
who have a role to maintain discipline, the role of the teacher is primary. If
you are a teacher either in a primary school or one of the best scienceschools in Faridabad, you must develop an effective discipline plan and use
it consistently in your classroom.
In this article, we have shared with you a few
tips that will improve discipline in your classroom.
1). You must be professional when teaching.
You should not become too much familiar with your student by sharing your
troubles or cracking off-colour jokes. This will make the students lose their
respect for you.
2). Make some rules that are fair and cover
all types of situation that may arise in a classroom. Put the rules in writing
and paste it on the notice board so that the students know the dos and don’ts
3). Writing the rule is one thing, but if
you don’t enforce them fairly and consistently, the students will flout them
without any fear. You should always see that the rules that you have framed are
yielding the desired results, if not, then you should either modify them or
change them.
4). Always maintain situational
awareness in the classroom. If the students find out that you are alert and
will easily find out who is causing the disturbances, then they are less likely
to make any ruckus in your class. Always maintain eye contact with the
students. Always walk around the class while teaching which will make it
difficult for the students to do somethingsurreptitiously as you are watching
them from all angles.
5). Always remember the importance of
silence while dealing with a truant student. Raising the voice is not a great
idea, if the student is arguing, maintain your eye contact and keep your voice
low. If the student is still arguing, then simply say that you will discuss it
later and walk away. Do not engage in a verbal spat.
6). If all the above effort fails, then ask
the student to see you after class. You should never scold a student in front
of other students. You should never lose your cool.
7). Keep the students busy through a
variety of activities. A student will learn a lot by doing something rather
than sitting quietly. Furthermore, if the student is engaged, then he will not
get the time to think about any mischief.
Follow these instructions diligently and
you will find that your class becomes more responsive and the level of
disruption in your class going down significantly.
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